Oregon Connections Academy is a virtual charter school affiliated with the Santiam Canyon School District in Mill City, Oregon, United States. The school is operated by Oregon Connections Academy, a nonprofit corporation, through a contract with Connections Academy of Oregon, LLC, to provide its educational program and other services. The school is governed by an independent board of directors, and all board meetings are open to the public.
School profile
Connexus® and LiveLesson® Sessions Connect Students with Online Learning - How does online school work? Connexus® education management system is the online platform that makes learning at Connections Academy possible. LiveLesson® sessions bring virtual learning...
Oregon Connections Academy, which opened in 2005, is a full-time, tuition-free, Kâ€"12 online public school.
The school has been provisionally accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools since 2006.
The academic record of Connections Academy in other states was called "spotty" by The Oregonian in 2005, comparing the 1:50 teacher:student ratio to the 1:20 ratio of the Clackamas Web Academy.
Of the eight high school students in 2008, three dropped out and five are still in high school. (There were no graduates that year as the 12th grade was not added until 2009.)
The academy office is located in an office in Mill City, Oregon. Since the school is online, the physical location is largely a matter of formality, and does not reflect the physical location of the school's servers, instructors, etc. The school lists the location as its administrative office.